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Cascade genetic testing is a strategy to identify at-risk relatively unknowingly carrying genetic mutations that can place one at risk of developing cancer. This is accomplished through familial diffusion, or the “cascade” of genetic risk information. At-risk individuals found to carry the familial mutation can take advantage of genetically targeted primary disease prevention through intensive cancer surveillance, screening, and management strategies which have been proven to prevent morbidity and mortality.

This site should be solely utilized as a resource and is not a substitute for genetic counseling from certified professionals. The Cascade Resources Network does not have any conflicts of interest to disclose. All product names, service names, and logos appearing in this website, with the exception of Cascade Resources Network, are trademarks owned by or licensed by unaffiliated organizations and companies. Cascade Resources Network is an independently run, non-profit organization and is unincorporated with any of the organizations provided on our site. This website was funded in part by the Foundation for Women’s Cancer and the Perlman Family CCARE Lynch Syndrome Research Foundation.